Promoting Partnerships To Improve Veterans’ Health

Advocacy & Government Relations

NAVREF is an active participant in advocacy efforts to secure robust support for VA research and development.  This entails lobbying for an increase in the annual appropriation of VA medical and prosthetic research account, which is separate from VA health care appropriation.  Also, when warranted, NAVREF works with House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committees to highlight pertinent research and education issues.  Finally, these committees also are critical to the statute that authorizes NPCs.

NAVREF coordinates its funding advocacy efforts with the Friends of VA Medical Care and Health Research (FOVA), a coalition of more than 80 medical specialty, patient advocacy, scientific and academic organizations committed to high quality care for veterans. 

NAVREF Core Advocacy Aspects

NAVREF believes it is time to update our enabling legislation to clarify areas of confusion and/or misinterpretation. We believe these changes will improve the ability of VA-affiliated nonprofit corporations (NPCs) to satisfy Congressional intent to support VA research and education activities and bring greater benefit to Veterans.

Flexible Funding Mechanism – a key aspect of the original legislation is the opening sentence, “The Secretary may authorize the establishment at any Department medical center of a nonprofit corporation to provide a flexible funding mechanism for the conduct of approved research and education at the medical center.” One significant component of this flexibility is the ability of NPCs to accept non-VA appropriated funding under authority of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). The statute should be updated to specify that transferring funds from VA to NPC by MOA has the force of a contract in the eyes of the Economy Act for purposes of obligating funds.

Independence – the statute states that an NPC is not “…owned or controlled by the United States” or “an agency or instrumentality of the United States.” However, the VA and other entities frequently question the authority of NPCs to operate independently. For example, the NIH Grants Policy Statement permits academic affiliates the authority to pay principal investigators up to a 60-hour work week, but specifically denies this authority to the NPCs because of a perception of “inter-dependence.” Furthermore, the authority of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish or disestablish a NPC is often cited by VA personnel when imposing controls that limit the flexibility of NPCs. The statute should be updated to specify that while NPCs are clearly related to VA medical centers and designed to support research and education activities at VA medical centers, they remain independent and autonomous nonprofit corporations.

  • 15 Nov 2023 1:38 PM | Elizabeth Stout (Administrator)

    On Tuesday (11/14), House lawmakers passed Speaker Mike Johnson's stopgap funding bill, a crucial step to avert a government shutdown. The Continuing Resolution now moves to the Senate. The Senate is expected to expedite the process and send the bill to President Joe Biden's desk by Friday night, aiming to prevent a government shutdown.

    Key features of Johnson's CR include funding part of the government, covering the Agriculture, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Veterans Affairs departments, through January 19. The Defense Department and other remaining parts of the government would receive funding through February 2.

    As we navigate these developments, we will continue to monitor the situation closely and keep the membership informed about any potential impacts on our community.

  • 15 Nov 2023 9:00 AM | Elizabeth Stout (Administrator)

    VA’s Million Veteran Program (MVP) just made history: 1,000,000 Veterans have joined VA’s largest health research effort! As the first VA research program to reach a recruitment milestone this large, MVP is paving the way for improved Veteran health and wellness. Veterans across race, gender, age, and service branch are coming together for one mission: to advance Veteran health care.

    MVP’s commitment to changing the future of Veteran health care is rooted in its research. The goal for their research is to help find new ways to detect, prevent, and treat health conditions that matter to Veterans. More participants from all backgrounds means more opportunities to find positive, real-world applications to improve Veteran health care in clinical settings. Since MVP launched in 2011, the program has already made discoveries in health care areas that matter to Veterans, such as:

    · Diabetes

    · Heart disease

    · Cancer

    · Osteoarthritis

    · Tinnitus

    · Mental health, including PTSD and depression

    · Suicide risk

    · And more.

    Thanks to the 1,000,000 Veterans who have joined MVP, we are one step closer to transforming personalized health care for all Veterans and, ultimately, all Americans.

    Join today to help MVP continue making a difference in the future of Veteran health care. Sign up at or call 866-441-6075 to make an appointment at a participating VA facility. You don’t need to receive your care at VA to participate.

  • 1 Nov 2023 5:00 PM | Elizabeth Stout (Administrator)

    The Senate Veterans Affairs Committee held a hearing on VA Research on Nov. 1 titled “Foundation of Care: Examining Research at the Department of Veterans Affairs.” The hearing featured Dr. Ramoni, Dr. Patricia Hastings, Dr. Sumitra Muralidhar (MVP), and Matthew Kuntz (NAMI Montana). Topics included accessibility to trials for rural veterans, metrics to track VA ORD performance, MVP data access and security, and fundamental questions around how VA research is organized. 

    Beyond attending relevant hearings and monitoring legislation, NAVREF's advocacy team has been meeting with several offices on the Hill to reintroduce NPCs in the conversation around enhancing VA Research. These offices include Sen. Tillis (R-NC),Sen. Murray (D-WA), Sen. Blumenthal (D-CT), Sen. Klobuchar (D-MN), and Sen. Cassidy (R-LA). In the New Year, we intend to establish more relationships on the House side to further our advocacy efforts.

  • 31 Oct 2023 5:00 PM | Elizabeth Stout (Administrator)

    NAVREF had the opportunity to submit a Statement for the Record to the Senate VA Committee for the hearing on "Foundation of Care: Examining Research at the Department of Veterans Affairs" that will be taking place on November 1, 2023.

    We've highlighted our achievements along with some of the ongoing research and education  projects within our membership. We are committed to helping VA research continually evolve to ensure we are meeting Veterans health care needs and look forward to further discussions with the committee.

  • 16 May 2023 8:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Washington, DC - May 16, 2023 - NAVREF alongside with 760 organizations joined forces with the Coalition for Health Funding to deliver a simple message to Congress, urging them to reconsider any cuts to non-defense discretionary funding (NDD). 

    Raising non-defense discretionary funding is a crucial step towards investing in the overall well-being and prosperity of America. NDD spending encompasses a wide range of areas, such as education, healthcare, research and development, infrastructure, and environmental protection. By allocating more funds towards these areas, we can improve the quality of education and healthcare, support scientific research and innovation, build sustainable infrastructure, and protect our natural resources. Moreover, investing in these areas can help create jobs, boost economic growth, and enhance the overall standard of living. 

    We're proud to stand with the Coalition for Health Funding and we will continue to push Congress to reconsider any recission to overall spending for our nation's veterans.

    Read the letter to Congress here.

  • 1 May 2023 10:13 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 1, 2023 - As the leader and Interim CEO of NAVREF, I am deeply troubled by the recent passage of the Limit, Save, Grow Act and its impacts on the Veterans Affairs (VA) research program. The VA research program is a critical component of our nation's efforts to improve the health and well-being of our veterans, and any cuts to its funding will have serious and lasting consequences.

    The VA research program is responsible for developing innovative treatments and cures for a wide range of health conditions affecting our veterans, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), and other service-related injuries and illnesses. This program has helped to improve the lives of countless veterans and their families and has contributed to significant advancements in medical research.

    However, the Limit, Save, Grow Act threatens to severely curtail the funding for the VA research program, which could have a devastating impact on the health and well-being of our veterans. Without sufficient funding, the VA research program will be forced to scale back its operations, reducing its capacity to conduct important research and develop new treatments and cures. Furthermore, this reduction will hinder the ability of the congressionally authorized VA-Affiliated Nonprofit Corporations (NPCs) to maximize research funding and attract industry partners eager to collaborate with VA. At risk are over 2400 research projects, the NPCs’ ability to contribute $313 million to VA research, and over 9 million veterans from receiving the finest cutting-edge care possible.

    This is unacceptable. Our veterans have sacrificed so much for our country, and we owe it to them to provide the best possible care and support. Cutting funding for the VA research program would be a betrayal of our veterans and would undermine our national commitment to their health and well-being.

    CALL TO ACTION: As the leader of the only national network with the sole mission to maximize VA research funding, I call on all NAVREF members and stakeholders to push this message to their Senate members that they must reconsider the Limit, Save, Grow Act and to prioritize the health and well-being of our veterans. We cannot afford to shortchange veterans’ care or sacrifice their futures. We must invest in their health and well-being and support the VA research program to ensure that our veterans receive the care and support they deserve.

  • 27 Feb 2023 9:21 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    VA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) is currently centralizing the HR processes for Research, with a new system called the Human Resource Management and Consulting Services (HRMACS – “HR MAX”).

    As you may already be aware, ORD plans to implement WOC, IPA and Affiliate centralization towards the March/April timeframe. During this transition, many concerns from our members were brought to our attention.  NAVREF has taken these considerations and formed a workgroup to actively collaborate with ORD to alleviate these issues.

    NAVREF’s workgroup, comprised of Ron Hakes, Cary Zink, and Katrina Washburn, began by meeting with Tony Laracuente, Director of Field Operations in ORD, to discuss policy concerns regarding WOC/IPA/Affiliate HR centralization.  Mr. Laracuente, a former NPC Executive Director himself, expressed his understanding of the needs of NPC operations and was open to addressing the issues raised by the NAVREF membership.

    While in this meeting, some clarity regarding badging and the new HRMACS came to fruition. HRMACS clearly distinguishes three (3) categories of appointments: affiliate, contractor, and employee. Employee is defined as those who have VA-paid, WOC or an IPA appointment.  The intent of HRMACS is to increase the efficiency in obtaining these appointments and to allow for a smoother, less burdensome transition between them. IPA appointments still require that a person work for the non-federal facility for 90 days prior to issuing the agreement - the 90-day rule is still in effect!

    NPC’s, ED’s, and their administrative staff - who do not conduct VA work - will be issued Affiliate appointments. These appointments are issued badges that allow them access to the VA facility and computer systems. An OGC opinion on this is available from NAVREF for those needing additional information.

    At this time, no changes to your current HR processes are require unless initiated by your site’s HR Service.

    Ultimately, NAVREF will actively continue to communicate with ORD as the transition to a Centralized HR continues to unfold.

    We encourage members to please contact us with any questions you have regarding the HR webinar and the transition to centralizing HR appointments.  

  • 22 Feb 2023 1:43 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Cannabis is still identified as a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act. As of Feb. 3, 2022, 37 states, three territories and the District of Columbia allow for the medical use of cannabis products. For years, veterans have claimed the benefits of cannabis for conditions they suffer–often as a result of military service. Veterans seeking relief for conditions such as chronic pain and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which may be resistant to more conventional treatments, are eager to have additional options that may improve the quality of their lives.

    Bipartisan companion bills, H.R. 1003 and S. 326, the VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act of 2023, would require VA to conduct randomized clinical trials into the effectiveness of cannabis on improving certain health outcomes for veterans with chronic pain and PTSD. Specifically, for veterans diagnosed with chronic pain, the bills would identify the effects of cannabis on osteopathic pain, sleep quality, inflammation, and agitation in addition to the effects on the use of alcohol, benzodiazepines, and opioids while the trial is ongoing. For veterans diagnosed with PTSD, the study would identify the effects of the trial on measures in standardized PTSD clinical scales, alcohol, and benzodiazepine use in addition to social functioning, mood, sleep, and suicidal ideation. The trials may also investigate the longer-term effects of cannabis on other medical conditions.

    Please contact your Representative and Senators and urge them to co-sponsor and support H.R. 1003 and S. 326. Thank you for your support of our nation’s ill and injured veterans.

  • 31 Dec 2022 9:56 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As we head into the new year, we have an exciting piece of news for you to end the year on. The VIPER Act has passed Congress and was signed into law on December 23!

    The VIPER Act addressed the issue of “209” which by a Department of Justice interpretation, impacted research studies conducted by VA employees who had compensated appointments and who also conducted VA Research outside their VA tour of duty at the VA Facility on Without Compensation (WOC) appointments. While there was no compensation from the VA, these VA employees received compensation from the University or the VA Nonprofit Corporation (VA NPC) for this work. This practice was considered a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 209 by the DOJ. Thus, VA compensated employees who conducted VA Research outside their VA tour of duty could not be compensated by a non-Federal entity to work on VA research unless the State Treasury exception applies, even if they held a separate WOC appointment. 

    With the passage of the VIPER Act, the restriction on dually appointed personnel (DAPs) receiving compensation from NPCs and universities has been removed in law. This will once again allow DAPs (appointments at VA and the university) to be paid for approved research at VA. At this point, the VA Office of Research and Development is preparing specific guidance on how the VIPER Act will impact VA Research as a whole since additional provisions were included in the original legislation, however NPCs can begin planning on paying their DAPs and removing any barriers on their end for a smooth reimplementation of the original practice of paying DAPs.

    Happy New Year and we look forward to providing more guidance on the other provisions of VIPER as they now come out from the agency-level! 

Need help drafting a letter to your congressional representatives? We've got you covered! Use this customizable template letter as a starting point to share your voice and advocate for VA research priorities!

Template Letter to Congressional Figures


Together with the Friends of VA Medical Care and Research, NAVREF works with a network of organizations to deliver our message to Congress.

FOVA activities including:

  • Developing recommendations for VA research funding
  • Monitoring the federal budget/appropriations process
  • Meeting with key House and Senate committee members and their staffs
  • Organizing congressional briefings
  •  Maintaining a roster of organizations that endorse FOVA’s funding recommendations
  • Recommending report language on topics of importance to VA research
  • Testifying before the appropriations subcommittees
  • Sending letters to members of Congress at key times during the budget/appropriations cycle

For up-to-date information on the funding needs of VA research and raising awareness of the VA research program, please go to the FOVA website:

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