Promoting Partnerships To Improve Veterans’ Health

Applause for the American Cures Act: A Bold Step Forward for Biomedical Research

1 Aug 2024 10:43 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The American Cures Act, introduced by Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, represents a pivotal advancement in securing stable, robust funding for critical biomedical research. By establishing mandatory annual increases in funding for key research agencies such as the NIH, CDC, DoD, and VA, this legislation promises a steady flow of resources vital for groundbreaking discoveries and innovations.

The bill addresses the unpredictable nature of discretionary funding, ensuring that vital research will not be sidelined. By linking funding increases to medical inflation plus five percent, the American Cures Act provides a much-needed guarantee of support for scientists and researchers, fostering an environment of growth and stability in the field of biomedical research.

NAVREF wholeheartedly endorse this initiative. We recognize the essential role that consistent funding plays in maintaining America's leadership in medical advancements, from vaccines to cancer treatments. The American Cures Act will empower our research institutions to continue their invaluable work, driving forward the promise of new cures and treatments for future generations.

We applaud Senator Durbin and his co-sponsors for their commitment to enhancing our nation's research capabilities and ensuring that innovation remains at the forefront of our medical and scientific endeavors.

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