Washington, DC - May 16, 2023 - NAVREF alongside with 760 organizations joined forces with the Coalition for Health Funding to deliver a simple message to Congress, urging them to reconsider any cuts to non-defense discretionary funding (NDD).
Raising non-defense discretionary funding is a crucial step towards investing in the overall well-being and prosperity of America. NDD spending encompasses a wide range of areas, such as education, healthcare, research and development, infrastructure, and environmental protection. By allocating more funds towards these areas, we can improve the quality of education and healthcare, support scientific research and innovation, build sustainable infrastructure, and protect our natural resources. Moreover, investing in these areas can help create jobs, boost economic growth, and enhance the overall standard of living.
We're proud to stand with the Coalition for Health Funding and we will continue to push Congress to reconsider any recission to overall spending for our nation's veterans.
Read the letter to Congress here.